Mohammed Ahmed Rasheed


A passionate Full Stack Developer with extensive experience in various programming languages. I started coding since the age of 13 and have been continuously honing my skills. I graduated from the University of Anbar - College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology in 2024. I was ranked first in my class during all stages of my academic journey. My strong technical skill set, drive for learning in the ever-evolving field of software development, and proven academic excellence make me a valuable asset to any team.

Core Skills

Career Summary

Jan 2017 - Jun 2022

Head of IT at Shahad Al Hadharah Co., Baghdad


My position was integral to the company’s operations, contributing to the design, coding, testing, and debugging of software applications. The overall goal of my role was to ensure the smooth functioning of the software systems, thereby supporting the company’s objectives and contributing to its growth and success.

Key Responsibilities


Bachelor’s degree | University of Anbar - College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology | Consistently ranked first in my class during all stages of my academic journey, demonstrating my dedication and proficiency in my field of study. Completed several modules with distinction, including Data Structures, Algorithms, Web Development, Database Systems, and Software Engineering. Specialized in Full Stack Development, gaining comprehensive knowledge of various programming languages. Final Year Project: Developing a Proximity Detection Footwear for the Visually Impaired with Arduino. This project involved designing and implementing a system that uses sensors to detect obstacles and provide audio feedback to the user, thereby aiding navigation for visually impaired individuals. This project not only honed my technical skills but also underscored the importance of creating technology that can make a real difference in people's lives.


Programming Languages

PHP, SQL, Python, C#, Javascript, Java, CSS, HTML, C++, Ruby


Arabic, English



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